
Eager Risk Theater provides a wonderful opportunity for businesses to get involved in the arts. From Season Sponsorship to Program Ad Space, local businesses can simultaneously contribute to live theater and promote their establishment.
Contribute to EagerRisk
​Individual Shows
¼ Page Ad- $30 for show run
½ Page Ad- $50 for show run
Full Page Ad- $90 for show run
Purchased ads for individual shows run for all performances of the show.

Season Package
¼ Page Ad- $100 for season
½ Page Ad- $150 for season
Full Page Ad- $170 for season
Purchased ads for season run for all performances of every show in the season.

Including promotions and coupons in advertisements is a popular choice. They draw interest in audience members and help keep track of promotional outreach.
Eager Risk sponsorships last anywhere from one to three seasons. There are different areas of sponsorships. Sponsors can donate catering for opening nights and functions, or provide monetary compensation for the season.
​"Producer" $500-$900 sponsorship
-Full page ad in every program
-Logo featured on seasonal promotional materials
-Logo & link featured under "Sponsors" on Eager Risk Website

"Official Sponsor" $901 and Up
-Company Name and Logo listed on ALL Eager Risk materials as well as promotional materials i.e. Eager Risk Theater presented by "Your Name Here"
-Full Page Ad in every program
-Logo, name, and link featured on front page and sponsors page
-Official Sponsorship status guarantees your brand on anything pertaining to Eager Risk Theater, including postcards, t-shirts, brochures, and any other merchandise generated by Eager Risk Theater.

Catering and monetary sponsorships provide the best promotion for businesses.
Eager Risk Theater is always accepting volunteer help for front of house jobs, design, directing, administrative, and management positions. If interested in becoming a member of the Eager Risk team, email your headshot and resume along with your interested position to eagerisktheater@gmail.com
Eager Risk Theater in an effort to better the experience of audiences and donators, as well as strengthen our relationship with the community, accepts all forms of personal and corporate donations. Monetary donations are greatly appreciated, as well as gift certificates which can be used in future fundraisers. No gift is too small or off-beat. Eager Risk can always use fabric and set donations. Monetary donations go towards technical facets, salaries, and our new play development program.

